Professional impositions of PDF data


Action 1:

Import PLDA Actions from this file: PLDA_export_action_01.pdf
Open this file: A5_booklet.pdf
And in Current File mode, run the imported action, named V1 A5 on SRA3 at a distance.
The imposed file is created in the folder where you saved the source file result.pdf

The source file is first imposed as a booklet in the first step, and this booklet is then copied to the SRA3 sheet in the second step.

Action 2:

Import PLDA Actions from this file: PLDA_export_action_02.pdf
Open this file: A5_booklet.pdf
And in Current File mode, run the imported action, named V1 A5 on SRA3 head-to-head.
The imposed file is created in the folder where you saved the source file result2.pdf

The source file is first imposed as a booklet in the first step and this booklet is then imposed for cross-breaking in the second step. Note the virtual mixer settings in the second step.